Commissioning a piece is a experience of meaning. You set an intention, and we make it real through an art piece you can always enjoy.

1// Connect

We meet as much as needed to discuss your intention, story, and taste. Naya will aim to understand where you are coming from with your desires. Together, we will hone in on an initial vision for what the piece could be.

2// Commission

If we are both excited by the energy around the project, we can move forward. We will  lock in the intentions and agree on the logistics. Once the piece is commissioned, Naya will get to work creating it for you.

3// Enjoy

The best part. Naya will reveal the piece and work with you to get it mounted. We will discuss what stories and elements surfaced during its creation. Once mounted, you get to enjoy it each time you are in the space..


  • During our vision session we will have a wide-ranging conversation about the purpose of the space, how you want it to feel, your taste, color preferences, and much more. If we decide from there to work together, you will be presented high-level direction before we move forward bringing the piece into reality. Fundamentally, though, this is about us forming a trusting relationship. You describe what you want, and I deliver.

  • Smaller pieces are $5,000. Larger pieces are $10,000.

  • Adjusting to a new piece in your home can take time. I ask you to take two weeks to let yourself fully take it in. If after two weeks you are not satisfied, we will work together to make it right (either refund or redo).